Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Tough Things About Long Distance

So my extremely devoted boyfriend flew in to see me last night and right now all I can think about is how he is gong to leave me again the day after tomorrow. I wish it didn't have to be this way. That nagging feeling I used to get when I'd hang out with friends and wish I could be spending time with him instead has now become a permanent fixture in my life and it's hard for me to feel fully present in my new life in Missouri (it's been a year now and I still feel as if I'm living in a dream world... perhaps that is a good thing given the climate. Yes, Missouri is really miserable and I'm sure I will hit that in a later post). List of things that suck about long distance:

1. You feel tethered to video chat and phone chat. So frustrating when you can't give your significant other a hug. I am so tired of this.

2. You feel tired all the time.

3. You hate this about yourself, but you start being anti-social because you feel guilty about making new friends and starting a new life. You just want to go back to the safety of your room and chat.

4. Concern about boyfriend's travel and well-being during travel to get to you in the middle of nowhere is also worrisome.

5. Things get miscommunicated over chat and you waste lots of time trying to clarify if tone of voice or phrases used are upsetting.

6. It takes time to get used to the person again when present. In fact, I have become so used to talking to Charlie on the phone that even when he's here I have to restrain my impulse to go back to my room and be alone so that I can make a phone call (hello, he is in the kitchen). The voice coming out of the gchat is so comforting that you become used to its counsel and have to get used to interacting with the person in person normally.

These are things that royally suck about long distance. Thank God my master's program will be over in half a year and I will get to be with my boyfriend over the summer. I hate this.

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